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Cirrek, Alien Technology Specialist

Hello, and welcome back to… Thursdays at Quark’s? So, this is late and that’s the risk you run when you have a feature with the day baked right into the title. The site has been changing a lot (you may have noticed) and I’ve been doing a lot of the organization on that front. Rather than burn out (or get fired from my day job) I decided to give myself a buffer in completing this week’s character. I think it’s been worth it!

Continuing with our look at the Operations Division I have an engineer specializing in unknown and weird alien tech. I didn’t want to have another member of the Starfleet Corps of Engineers but I realized it would be weird if he wasn’t in the SCE and so here we are. I think it’s easy to think up someone who is always trying to push the envelope and try out weird tech in new ways (leading to explosions and hybrids and the fall of Jurassic Park) so for this character I decided to go the opposite way. Cirrek is an enthusiastic analyst but he also has a healthy respect for what he studies. It also opens some doors having a Benzite and I really tried not to have Cirrek by a Mendon clone in the Engineering Department.

There are a lot of different ways to use and feature Cirrek but here are a few plot hooks to get you started.

Click on the image below for the PDF.



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