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Gamemaster Resources

Image © Modiphius Entertainment

This might not be popular but I’m probably not talking to you. It’s nothing personal, just a numbers thing: out of all the people playing Star Trek Adventures most of them are players and only a small fraction are Gamemasters. It’s a tough job, but to those brave few willing to create and populate a whole galaxy I tip my hat. I’ve also got some tools for you!

First and foremost, I started on my own version of a Star Trek RPG Gamemaster’s Guide. Certainly we can expect more from Modiphius eventually complete with fresh mechanics and stuff: this is just some advice on running a Star Trek Adventures campaign if you want to start things off right.Next, I use this guide to Breaches pretty regularly to reference issues that ships might be having. It’s straightforward and useful for keeping on a mobile device if you’re playing online (as Mike has outlined before).I also have two Attribute-Discipline charts to help you troubleshoot what combination you should be using for a given task. The first page is for characters, the second page for ships.These guides to Gamemastering NPCs and NPC ships are all the collected advice I have on running Star Trek Adventures characters to keep your players on their toes. It’s got some practical advice and some storytelling advice and I’m pretty proud of them.


Note: These are two different PDFs so click on each image.


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