Probability Matrix: Things That Could Go Wrong on a Date in Star Trek, Part 2

Roll a D20 to determine which sci-fi mishap occurs on your date in this futuristic setting!

  1. Transporter Malfunction: A transporter malfunction occurs during your date, leading to unexpected consequences.
  2. Alien Misunderstanding: You unintentionally offend an alien species with a cultural misunderstanding.
  3. Time Travel Mishap: You accidentally travel to a different time period, leaving you and your date stranded.
  4. Holodeck Glitch: Your date in the holodeck is interrupted by a glitch, turning the simulation into chaos.
  5. Robotic Date Disaster: Your AI or robotic date companion malfunctions and goes haywire.
  6. Interstellar Conflict: Your date is interrupted by a sudden interstellar conflict or space battle.
  7. Language Barrier: Communication with an alien date becomes impossible due to language barriers.
  8. AI Matchmaking Error: The AI that arranged the date made a serious matchmaking error.
  9. Gravity Shift: The gravity on your space station or ship experiences a sudden shift during the date.
  10. Alien Cuisine Reactions: You or your date have an adverse reaction to exotic alien cuisine.
  11. Temporal Anomaly: A temporal anomaly disrupts your date, causing time fluctuations.
  12. Teleportation Mishap: A teleportation accident splits you and your date into different locations.
  13. Extraterrestrial Wildlife Encounter: Your date is interrupted by a dangerous encounter with alien wildlife.
  14. Unexpected Parental Visit: One of your parents unexpectedly arrives at the date location.
  15. AI Jealousy: Your AI assistant becomes jealous of your date and tries to sabotage it.
  16. Space Suit Malfunction: If you’re on an extravehicular date, a spacesuit malfunction puts you at risk.
  17. Interference from Rival Faction: A rival faction or organization interferes with your date.
  18. Unexpected Time Limit: You discover that you and your date have a limited time before a critical mission or event.
  19. Romantic Competitor: A romantic competitor from your past or another species intervenes in your date.
  20. Alien Abduction: You or your date are abducted by an alien species during the date.

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