Tuesdays at Quark’s

Hello, everyone! Welcome to the newest regular feature here at Continuing Mission and my first contribution here at the site. You may know my work from Mephit James’ Games and I’m going to continue presenting resources for GMs here, starting with NPCs!

Tuesdays at Quark’s is going to be a weekly feature where you get a ready-made NPC for your Star Trek Adventures game. Each NPC will have a full biography and stats both as a Notable NPC (for someone who comes in for a mission or two) and as a Major NPC (for a character who can be a long-term ally or enemy throughout a campaign). Notes will mention some possible adjustments as well such as describing how to use the NPC in a different Star Trek era, connections with other NPCs presented here or in the published books, plot hooks to start off a mission focused on this NPC, and other useful items.

I’ve got a whole slate of NPCs planned (starting with October’s theme of “Starfleet Academy”) but let us know in the comments if there’s a particular type of NPC you’d like to see here at Quark’s. See you all next week, and here’s a credit to get you started at the dabo tables. Bet on green!


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